Tuesday, June 29, 2010

2 months...

First thing, I can't believe that it's been 2 months already, where has the time gone????

     Lidya is doing great, bonding and attachment is going wonderfully. She loves her Mommy, Daddy, Bubby and Sissy(we are the only ones that can hold her without a puckered lip) She's doing a little better about family members holding her...We notice that when anyone speaks to her, she immediately buries her face in my chest or her dad's...That just reassures her that we are her security...She has No teeth yet, I'm praying they come through soon...She's so vocal, she says Bye-Bye, Bub...She's such a doll....

     I can't imagine our life without Lidya.  Our life sure has changed since bringing her home...Let me tell you, it's been hard at times...Sometimes when she's feeling sad ,I hold her and it's like I feel her sadness...I try to comfort her all that I can...Am I greiving for my daughter???? Am I grieving for things that are unknown??? We don't know anything about her family, only that she was abandoned and a policman found her...I have alot of regrets of not going to Mekele and visiting where Lidya was born...The way our travel plans where made, there were just no way of going...I have had a hard time with this.... Regrets and not knowing ...Am I having some kind of Post Adoption depression???? ..I don't have the answers, but God comforts me everyday, and reassures me that he's in control and this is all part of his plan....

     I remember our trip every second of the day..I can't get the government orphanges off of my mind...I constantly sit and think of the children...What are doing??? Are they okay??? Do they have enough to eat???  Are they going to be adopted??? I remember how hot it was in there where the babies were and I remember bending to pick up a little boy about 5 months out of his crib, he was so excited for someone to show him attention the pee ran down to his toes...I remember looking at Brad and seeing him bent down beside a crib crying as he was feeding a little baby only a few weeks old ... I remember looking at the other families and the sadness on their faces, tears in our eyes.....They all had the same thought as we did., how this could have been our babies laying there....How very emotional it was for us....  It's totally changed my life...Ethiopia has changed my life!!!

   What do I miss about Ethiopia??? Everthing!!!!

   We are planning to take a trip to Mekele Ethiopia when Lidya is a little older...This time the whole family is going to experience everything like we did...And who knows we might be getting a new addition to our family?????


Tracy said...

I can feel your compassion for those children in the orphanages coming through in this post. Our boys are still in Ethiopia (in Gladney's care center). I know Ethiopia will change our lives, as well. Our kids are from Tigray, too!

So glad to read that your transition/attachment/bonding with your sweet daughter is going so well!

Leanne said...

April, I got your comment about Brad's starfish tattoo. What a touching sentiment!!!

We miss you guys, and we think about Lidya often. We hope to see you soon! Maybe in the spring???

Lori said...

I'm sorry I haven't sent the pics yet. I lost your email address. Can you email me at lbknight@suddenlink.net
