Monday, September 20, 2010

What a MONTH!!!

     This has been one WILD Month!!! At the beginning of the month Brad had been getting sick and he stayed that way for about 2 weeks. Everything he ate it made him sick to his stomach. Then, he was admitted to the hospital and they ran test after test, then finally figured out it was his GALL BLADDER!! (That's what I was telling him all along..) They scheduled him for surgery and removed that sucker....(YAY!!) As soon as he came out of surgery, he said he felt a relief!!!!
     This month a Big Change has happend for me....I have started back taking night classes for Nursing...I had taken some classes before we started the adoption process and I put Nursing on the back burner...Since being in Ethiopia that desire is on FIRE now!!!! I'm so excited!!! I have only 3 semsters left!

    Now onto Lidya...She has her 1st Tooth!!! It's been a long process of getting that little sucker....She is pulling up to everything and standing all by herself....She's a princess with a attitude!!! What a Blessing!!!

1 comment:

Us4 Cats said...

her first tooth! awwww. she is adorable :)